Even if financial advisors are experienced and have enormous product knowledge, if clients don’t like them, they won’t be able to trust them with their investments. Prospects will not select you only because you are proficient; they will choose you to help them attain their monetary objectives because you are likeable and skilled. Being affable is not too tough; with time and practice, financial experts can emit confidence and present themselves as easy-going.


When you meet someone for the first time, make sure you listen carefully and talk less. Respect the client or prospect, be polite, honest and you will be certainly perceived as a friendly person. When you are listening attentively, it shows that you are interested in understanding the client’s goals. Always smile, be upbeat and passionate about accomplishing their dreams. Compliment people on their achievements once in a while. Everybody likes to hear nice things and it will certainly make you appear friendly.


Self-confidence plays a big role in being likeable. If prospects feel that you have low self-esteem, they might doubt your other capabilities too. Hence, even if a financial expert is competent but lacks confidence, clients won’t be able to trust him easily. Be optimistic and work on improving your self-image.


Develop trust-worthiness by expressing honest opinions. Include statements in your conversations which indicate that you care about the other person. Make the clients realize that they are your top-most priority and you will be there to guide them through all the ups and downs. Put in efforts to build an emotional bond and it will certainly make a difference.


Practise various methods and see which one is the most beneficial. Financial advisors must use these tactics at the right place, at the right time and eventually they will establish a strong connection with clients and prospects. Once you learn how to be more amiable, winning over clients won’t be difficult.