For every financial advisor, the first interaction with prospects is crucial because it gives him a huge chance to convert the prospect into a long-term client. Naturally, advisors would not wish to lose out on this opportunity and therefore, it is vital that they are thoroughly prepared. Few useful tips that can help financial experts make a great first impression include
1. Give a brief introduction about yourself
Instead of flooding prospects about financial knowledge, tell them about your experience as an advisor, areas of expertise and how you have helped clients achieve their goals. Don’t talk about numbers immediately. The first meeting should encourage prospects to identify with you which will eventually break the ice.
2. Be confident and show enthusiasm
Your personality plays an important role when you meet prospects for the first time. Focus on what they are saying and listen to them carefully so that you don’t miss any important details and gauge the goals suitably. Be passionate about your services as a financial expert as people are drawn towards upbeat individuals. Make eye contact to show that you are interested. Speak in a clear and confident way to express your reliability. Use simple language that prospects can understand.
3. Find out the prospects’ expectations
When prospective clients talk about their monetary objectives, it helps an advisor understand what kind of partnership they are looking for. The only way to determine this correctly is to ask them their expectations from you. Many a times, there’s a misunderstanding between what the client’s aims are and how the advisor identifies it. Hence, it is necessary for advisors to be sure about the prospects’ aspirations right from the beginning in order to prevent any unwanted issues later on.
When the meeting is over, prospects will be inclined towards choosing you as their financial expert. Be confident, display excellent soft skills and connect on an emotional level and you will certainly emerge successful.