Being a Mutual Fund Distributor is a Face-to-Face business. Work-life consist luncheon with clients or prospects, handshakes and coffee meets, Because, this business is more of personal relationships compared to robo-advisors.
But Social distancing is changing all that in a flash. We are undergoing a rapid cultural shift where social distance may very well be the norm for a good long period.
Find below some tips which can help you overcome the present situation and change your business style with the upcoming trends:

  1. A personalised Website

With less personal meets, digital presence will help distributors in getting recognition on a larger scale. Investing in a good website will draw attention from your existing clients and prospects. Ensure the content is up-to-date, showcasing all the services which are offered by you. Adding some of your client’s testimonials can ensure your prospects get a fair advantage of your offerings.

  1. Optimising Technology support

Since the beginning of lockdown, technology support has helped distributors to largely manage their manual work ‘digitally’. Technology software’s has contributed in ensuring ‘Work From Home’ is seamless and business runs as usual. Not only does these software help in managing reports but also providing an option to do online transaction along with engaging clients with mails and SMS.

  1. Video-conferencing with Client

Physical meet can now happen over video-conference. Video-chat can be an ideal way to ensure that the essence of seeing face-to-face is not out of the picture in these times. Distributors can utilize this time to schedule a video-conference with clients and train them on certain valuable topics like – Investing early, Market volatility, retirement planning etc. Plan out a schedule and send out the invites to engage with clients and turn this lockdown into opportunities.

  1. Engagement with Client

Constantly engage with your clients on a regular basis. Highly engaged clients demonstrate loyalty. Use technology to your advantage and schedule weekly pings through mails or WhatsApp. Share important market related news, give guidance on steps to be taken during these times, encourage them to take this opportunity and start their investments.