Selecting a financial expert is a huge decision for any prospect. To determine whether you are the ideal advisor for them, they will certainly have some questions in mind before they give you the nod. Listed below are the top 3 questions you are likely to be asked:
1. Why should I choose you as my advisor?
Any potential client would want to understand why they should pick you and not any other financial expert. Why are you suitable to handle their finances? Individuals like people who are likeable, therefore make sure that you come across as a friendly and warm person. Exhibit that you comprehend their situation completely and be enthusiastic about achieving their objectives. Tell prospects success stories of past clients. For example, how you assisted a couple in creating their retirement corpus and how happy they are living the life they always wanted.
2. What level of service can I expect?
Undoubtedly, prospects will need you to handle their finances proficiently. However, they will also expect brilliant service from you. Moreover, they will ask you how frequently they will hear from you, the mode of communication and how swiftly they can expect a reply to any query. Financial advisors must keep in mind that each client has unique requirements. Some clients may want you to call every week and update them whereas others prefer interacting over e-mail. Determine client expectations from the beginning and come to a decision by asking prospects what they prefer. What is most important is that you must be consistent and always meet their expectations.
3. What is the risk involved?
Prospects might be apprehensive about giving control of their finances and anxious about the possibility of their investments dwindling. Explain to them that market volatility is unavoidable. Give them the assurance that being their financial expert, you will ensure that market ups and downs will not affect their investments nor will it hamper realization of their goals.